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    Let us empower Women by empowering Men

    Let us empower Women by empowering Men

    The researcher: Fahad AlSelaiti


    Empowering Women:

    We must continue empowering women as they continue to face disadvantages in almost all spheres. But if we want a gender equitable society, empowering women isn’t enough.


    We must also empower men as:

    • Men are critically judged and assessed – by themselves, their peers and by women.
    • Men are expected to be strong, emotionless, have high income and be controlling.


    Empower Women by empowering Men:

    • Make available resources for men.
    • Men who are victims of violence or who use violence need to seek help.
    • Men who are silent need to speak out.
    • Men who speak out need to be agents in change.


    Benefits of gender equality on Men

    • Health and well-being: Gender equality encourages men to challenge harmful masculine norms that may lead to risky behaviors, substance abuse, and mental health issues.
    • Work life balance: Gender equality recognizes the importance of work-life balance for both men and women. It challenges traditional gender roles that place the burden of caregiving solely on women, allowing men to have more involvement in their family life.
    • Personal growth and fulfilment: Gender equality encourages men to explore a wider range of interests, passions, and roles beyond traditional masculine stereotypes.
    • Equal partnership and shared responsibilities: Gender equality promotes equal partnerships and shared responsibilities in relationships and households.
    • Positive role models: Gender equality offers men a broader range of positive male role models, breaking away from limited and restrictive notions of masculinity.


    In conclusion, empowering men is essential for achieving gender equality. When men actively participate in dismantling gender norms, advocating for women's rights, and challenging discrimination, it creates a more inclusive and equitable society that benefits both men and women. By fostering collaboration and shared responsibility, we can create a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and succeed.